In addition to being unsightly, a dog scooting across the carpet or grass is usually a sign that there’s a health-related issue, such as anal gland overload. Increasing fiber in your pet’s diet to support fecal volume is one way to address this. Scoot Bars contain three sources of fiber, including digestion resistant maltodextrin to improve fecal volume, pumpkin powder, and Larch tree extract. Larch tree extract also enhances the growth of friendly bacteria to maintain a healthy digestive tract, which provides the additional benefits of immune and colon health.
Scoot Bars are a natural alternative to canned pumpkin and is easy for your pet to digest. Finding fiber that is gentle on your dog’s GI tract is important when adding fiber to a daily diet. Stop the scoot and save your rug with these delicious chewy bars that your dog will love!

bird cage liner paper roll-Pet Naturals Scoot Bars